How to Make the Best Gluten Free Potato Salad


I am excited to share my 10 secrets that make this gluten free potato salad amazing. Easy and flavorful, it comes together quickly and is perfect for BBQ season or gatherings with family and friends. 

The crunch from radishes, celery, red onion, and carrots contrasts beautifully with the softness of the potatoes. 

What do you usually serve with potato salad? Let me know in the comment section below. My favorites are boiled eggs, crispy bacon, smoked salmon or crispy tofu.

Best cold potato salad, gluten free potato salad, gluten free snack recipe, Health & Yum, Canadian food blogger, brain healthy food

Today I’m spilling 10 secrets to make the best potato salad so it turns out beautifully every single time. I’m so excited to share my secrets with you!

Secret #1

The best potatoes for potato salad are red potatoes or Yukon Gold, as they hold their shape well after cooking and won’t become mushy.

Secret #2

Add sea salt to the boiling water.

Secret #3

Add some crunch to the salad.

Secret #4

Adding fresh herbs to the salad brightens up the flavours.

Secret #5

Lemon juice complements the creaminess of the salad.

Secret #6

Maple syrup balances the acidity of the salad.

Secret #7

Avoid over-boiling the potatoes.

Secret #8

Avoid dumping all the dressing on at once.

Secret #9

The salad might seem too shiny from the dressing. Don’t worry! The potatoes will absorb all of it and become very flavourful, especially if you allow the salad to cool in the fridge for a few hours or until the next day.

Secret #10

It’s time to take this salad to an 11 out of 10 by adding some protein such as sliced boiled eggs or crispy bacon. Or both. 😊

Your Guide For The Gluten Free Potato Salad

Best cold potato salad, gluten free potato salad, gluten free snack recipe, Health & Yum, Canadian food blogger, brain healthy food

The Best Gluten Free Potato Salad – Benefits For The Brain

Potatoes are rich in complex carbohydrates, which provide a steady supply of glucose to the brain. They are also high in vitamin B6, which plays an important role in the production of neurotransmitters essential for balancing mood, sleep and cognition. And let’s not forget the antioxidants to help protect the brain from oxidative stress and inflammation.

Celery supports brain health with its rich content in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, vitamins, minerals and water.

Did you know that dill contains vitamins A and C, as well as manganese, which all play an important role in brain function? Dill is also rich in antioxidants that help protect brain cells from damage caused by free radicals.

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How To Make The BEST Potato Salad

Step 1

Place the unpeeled potatoes in cold water and boil at medium heat, covered.

If the potatoes are large, cut them in half before boiling. 

Best cold potato salad, gluten free potato salad, gluten free snack recipe, Health & Yum, Canadian food blogger, brain healthy food, vegan potato salad

Step 2

While the potatoes are boiling, prepare the rest of the ingredients: radishes, celery, red onion and carrots.

Best cold potato salad, gluten free potato salad, gluten free snack recipe, Health & Yum, Canadian food blogger, brain healthy food, quick potato salad

Step 3

Make the dressing by mixing olive oil, lemon juice, maple syrup, Dijon mustard, sea salt and black pepper in a mason jar with a lid.

potato salad dressign, Best cold potato salad, gluten free potato salad, Health & Yum, Canadian food blogger, brain healthy food

Step 4

The potatoes are ready when a fork can easily pierce them. Overcooked potatoes can become mushy and affect the texture of the salad. 

Step 5

Drain the potatoes and allow them to cool until you can touch them without burning your fingers.

Step 6

Peel and cube the potatoes evenly and add the rest of the ingredients (celery, red onion, radishes, carrots, dill).

Best cold potato salad, gluten free potato salad, gluten free snack recipe, Health & Yum, Canadian food blogger, brain healthy food
easy cold potato salad, gluten free potato salad, gluten free snack recipe, Health & Yum, Canadian food blogger, brain healthy food

Step 6

Add the dressing gradually and toss the salad gently to coat each ingredient evenly. I like to use a wooden spoon to minimize turning the potatoes into mush.

vegan cold potato salad, gluten free snack recipe, Health & Yum, Canadian food blogger, brain healthy food

Step 7

Allow the potato salad to chill in the fridge for a few hours or overnight.

Serve cold with your favourite protein.

Storing and freezing tips


The gluten free potato salad can be stored in the fridge for up to 3 days. It tastes better the next day, after the flavours have a chance to meld.


I don’t recommend freezing as the texture will become mushy.

Watch how to make it step-by-step!

How To Boost The Nutrition Of The Gluten Free Potato Salad

Best cold potato salad, gluten free potato salad, gluten free snack recipe, Health & Yum, Canadian food blogger, brain healthy food

Serve the gluten free potato salad with sliced boiled eggs, grilled wild salmon, homemade bacon bits or crispy tofu.

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The Best Gluten Free Potato Salad

5 Stars 4 Stars 3 Stars 2 Stars 1 Star No reviews
  • Author: Health and Yum
  • Prep Time: 30 minutes
  • Cook Time: 20 minutes (while prepping)
  • Total Time: 30 mins
  • Yield: 4 servings 1x
  • Category: Lunch, Main
  • Method: Boiling and chopping
  • Cuisine: American
  • Diet: Gluten Free


You’ll love this potato salad! It’s a vibrant mix of tender red potatoes, crunchy celery and red onion, all balanced with the fresh bite of radishes and the subtle sweetness of carrots. Freshly chopped dill ties all the flavors together beautifully.

It’s refreshing, nutritious and packed with a variety of textures and flavors. Give it a try – I promise you won’t be disappointed!


Units Scale
  • 2 lb red potatoes (or Yukon Gold)
  • 2 celery stalks, diced small
  • 1/3 cup red onion, sliced thinly
  • 3 big radishes, diced small
  • 1/3 cup carrots, coarsely grated
  • 1/4 cup fresh dill, chopped finely


  • 1/3 cup olive oil
  • 3 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon maple syrup
  • 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper


Serve with sliced boiled eggs, grilled wild salmon, chopped crispy bacon or crispy tofu.


  1. If the potatoes are large, cut them in half before boiling. 

  2. Place the unpeeled potatoes in cold water and boil at medium heat, covered. 

  3. Adding sea salt to the boiling water helps infuse the potatoes with a bit more flavor right from the start.

  4. While the potatoes are boiling, prepare the rest of the ingredients: radishes, celery, red onion and carrots.

  5. Make the dressing by mixing olive oil, lemon juice, maple syrup, Dijon mustard, sea salt and black pepper in a mason jar with a lid.

  6. The potatoes are ready when a fork can easily pierce them. Overcooked potatoes can become mushy and affect the texture of the salad. 

  7. Drain the potatoes and allow them to cool until you can touch them without burning your fingers.

  8. Peel and cube the potatoes evenly and add the rest of the ingredients (celery, red onion, radishes, carrots, dill).

  9. Add the dressing gradually and toss the salad gently to coat each ingredient evenly. I like to use a wooden spoon to minimize turning the potatoes into mush.

  10. Allow the potato salad to chill in the fridge for a few hours or overnight.

  11. Serve cold with your favourite protein.



Frequently Asked Questions For Gluten Free Potato Salad

What can you use instead of…?

Fresh dill can be replaced by fresh parsley. Chives or cilantro also work well.

If you don’t have lemon juice on hand, you can substitute with apple cider vinegar, pickles or pickle juice.

Maple syrup can be omitted or replaced with finely diced fruits such as apples or grapes. Honey also works well.

Olive oil can be substituted with mayo, sour cream or yogurt.

How do you serve the gluten free potato salad?

Serve the potato salad with sliced boiled eggs, grilled wild salmon, crispy bacon chopped small or crispy tofu.

Is this potato salad vegan?

Omit bacon and boiled eggs to keep it vegan. Add tofu, chickpeas, lentils, tempeh, edamame as protein options.

Can you make it vegetarian?

Omit bacon to keep it vegan. Add tofu, chickpeas, lentils, tempeh, edamame as protein options. You can also add boiled eggs if you follow an ovo-vegetarian diet.

Is this potato salad gluten-free? 

The recipe is naturally gluten free.

Is this salad dairy free?

Yes, the potato salad is dairy free.

What To Cook Next

If you make this potato salad as part of a menu for a fun gathering, then you HAVE to also make this kale salad. It’s the only kale salad you’ll ever need and I guarantee you’ll love it!

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