Easy Healthy Fruit Cheesecake (Non-Traditional Romanian Pasca)


Do you love creamy and nutritious desserts that support brain health? If so, you’re in for a treat with this flavorful and irresistible healthy fruit cheesecake! This recipe was inspired by pasca, a traditional Romanian recipe my mom used to make every Easter.

I tweaked the original recipe to boost its health benefits – less sugar, more fruit and no white flour. The result is quite impressive.

I’m so excited for you to try this recipe! I am certain that this brain-boosting cheesecake will become one of your favourite recipes.
What I like the most about this recipe is how simple it is. With just a few ingredients, a blender and a cake pan, it comes together in no time.

Your Guide For This Easy Healthy Fruit Cheesecake

Pasca holds a special place in my heart. It was a staple on my family’s Easter table in Romania. Traditionally made with white flour, sugar, eggs, milk and butter, I’ve swapped in healthier alternatives to create this gluten-free, nutrient-rich dessert. It’s now packed with brain-healthy ingredients like almond flour, cottage cheese, strawberries, oranges, and eggs. 

However, it’s important to enjoy it in moderation. While I’ve used coconut palm sugar as a sweetener, we always have to be mindful of added sugars in our diet.

This cheesecake is as delicious as the one my mom used to make, but with added brain benefits. I don’t wait for Easter to make it – it’s perfect for any gathering with family or friends.

Easy Healthy Fruit Cheesecake – Benefits For The Brain

Eggs, rich in protein, choline, and B vitamins, play an important role in neurotransmitter production, boosting focus, alertness and optimal brain function.

One amazing thing about cottage cheese is that it has the aminoacid tyrosine, a precursor to dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine. These 3 are neurotransmitters involved in concentration and clarity.

Strawberries, rich in antioxidants called flavonoids, improve blood flow to the brain. This in turn helps brain cells get more oxygen and nutrients, promoting better attention and clarity.

Plus, fiber in strawberries helps keep blood sugar level steady, so the brain can stay focused and alert for longer.

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How To Make This Healthy Fruit Cheesecake

Step 1

Ensure all ingredients are at room temperature.

Step 2

In a high-powered blender combine the almond flour, coconut palm sugar, cottage cheese, cream cheese, eggs and vanilla extract. Blend until the mixture is smooth and velvety.

Step 3

Gently stir in the grated orange zest with a spoon (not with the blender) to incorporate into the mixture. Be careful not to touch the blade of the blender.

Step 4

Line with parchment paper and grease with coconut oil an 8-inch pan with detachable walls. Detachable walls make it easier to remove the cheesecake once baked.

Step 5

Pour half the cheese mixture into the greased pan. 

Top with most of the raisins and with the strawberry and orange pieces.

Step 6

Pour the remaining cheese mixture on top.

Decorate with the remaining raisins, and slices of strawberries and oranges.

Step 7

Place the pan in the COLD oven and set the oven to 320F.

Bake for 75 to 90 minutes until the top is medium brown and set in the middle.

Allow the cheesecake to cool completely before removing from the pan and slicing.

Storing, freezing and reheating tips


The cheesecake can be stored in the fridge in an airtight container for up to 3 days.


I prefer not to freeze the cheesecake because its texture changes in the freeze-thaw process.

If you choose to freeze the cheesecake, allow it to cool completely, then place in an airtight freezer-safe container. Label the container with the date the cheesecake was frozen. When ready to enjoy, thaw in the fridge overnight.

Watch how to make it step-by-step!

How To Boost The Nutrition Of The Easy Healthy Fruit Cheesecake

Serve the cheesecake with fresh fruit on the side, such as sliced strawberries, oranges or other berries. Fresh fruits add vitamins, minerals and fiber. 

A dollop of Greek yogurt alongside the cheesecake provides additional protein, probiotics and creaminess. Sweeten the Greek yogurt with a drizzle of raw honey or maple syrup if desired.

Sprinkle chopped nuts or seeds, such as almonds, walnuts, pecans or pumpkin seeds, over the cheesecake for added texture, healthy fats, protein, fiber and omega-3 fatty acids.

Serve the cheesecake with a few squares of dark chocolate or grate chocolate on top. Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants and adds a decadent touch to the dessert.

So many yummy options! Which one(s) will you choose?

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Easy Healthy Fruit Cheesecake (Non-Traditional Romanian Pasca)

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  • Author: Health and Yum
  • Prep Time: 15 mins
  • Cook Time: 75-90 mins
  • Total Time: 90-105 mins
  • Yield: 68 servings 1x
  • Category: Dessert
  • Method: Bake
  • Cuisine: Greek
  • Diet: Gluten Free


I just had to share my cheesecake recipe with you because it’s seriously amazing!✨ It’s made with almond flour, coconut palm sugar, creamy cottage cheese and a touch of cream cheese for richness. Eggs and vanilla extract give it a velvety smooth texture, while orange zest adds a burst of citrusy flavor that’s so refreshing! I promise you’ll love it as much as I do.


Units Scale
  • 1 cup almond flour
  • 1/2 cup coconut palm sugar
  • 2 cups cottage cheese (small curds with whey) (see notes)
  • 1/2 cup cream cheese
  • 2 medium-sized eggs
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 2 tablespoons orange zest, finely grated
  • 1/3 cup raisins (see notes)
  • 1/4 cup strawberry and orange pieces

Strawberry and orange slices for decoration.

Coconut oil (or your favourite oil) for greasing the pan.




For this recipe I am using cottage cheese with small curds and whey. I tried using pressed cottage cheese and the result had a grainy texture, not smooth as I would have liked.

If you don’t like raisins, you can leave them out. You can also substitute strawberries and oranges with your favourite fruits. This recipe is quite flexible!

This cake pan is very similar to mine.

Frequently Asked Questions For Healthy Fruit Cheesecake

What can you use instead of strawberries and oranges?

Other types of berries work very well.

What do you serve the healthy fruit cheesecake with?

Check out the section “How to boost the nutrition” for a few delicious ideas.

Is this vegan?

No, it is not.

Can you make the cheesecake vegetarian?

This cheesecake is vegetarian.

Is this dessert recipe gluten-free? 

Yes it is.

What To Cook Next

Are you ready for another brain-boosting treat? Let’s whip up decadent and fudge-y raspberry pistachio brownies that will boost your mood with their heavenly ingredients.

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