Before we embark on exciting adventures, breathtaking sights and unforgettable experiences, let’s talk about something that’s near and dear to my heart (and stomach) – eating healthy while traveling.
Whenever my family and I travel (be it on a road trip, train, boat or air travel), I found a few tips that help us eat healthy once we reach our destination. So join me as I spill the beans (and maybe eat a few along the way) on how to stay nourished and energized during our travels.
1. Plan Ahead for Special Dietary Needs
If you have specific dietary restrictions or preferences (gluten-free, vegan, etc.), plan ahead to ensure access to great options during your trip. Inform airlines or tour operators about dietary requirements in advance. Research your diet-friendly restaurants or cafes at your destination and en route so you can enjoy your trip without compromising your health or dietary choices.
Because I loooove planning, I research restaurants ahead of time, make a list of my favourite ones (I mostly choose the ones that provide many gluten-free options) and I “drag” my family to one of them each day we are away. Which they (thankfully) don’t mind at all, as they love trying new foods and places as much as me.
2. Opt for Balanced Meals
When dining out, aim for balanced meals that include a mix of nutrients. Look for dishes that incorporate protein (such as grilled chicken, fish or tofu), a variety of colorful vegetables and fruits, and complex carbohydrates (like whole grains or starchy veggies). Balanced meals will keep you satiated and provide the necessary nutrients for your travel adventures.
3. Prepare Simple and Healthy Meals When Possible
If your accommodation allows it, consider preparing a few simple and healthy meals. Booking a place with a kitchenette can be a great option. You can buy fresh ingredients from local markets and prepare easy dishes like salads, omelettes, stir-fries or pasta with vegetables. Not only is this approach cost-effective, but it also gives you complete control over the ingredients you use.
Some of our favourite meals we make while we are away are avocado egg toast for breakfast, homemade ramen soup for lunch (my husband makes a delicious one!) and roast chicken legs with steamed cauliflower and broccoli.
4. Embrace Local Fruits and Vegetables
Exploring new fruits and vegetables at your travel destination can be both exciting and nutritious. Local markets are full of seasonal produce. Not only does this support local farmers, but it also exposes you and your family to unique flavors and nutrients that might be different from what you’re used to at home.
One of my favourite markets is Granville Market in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. It’s my family’s go-to market when we are there. There is an abundance of delicious food that makes my eyes, heart and stomach VERY happy.
Sneak peek of Granville Market.
5. Treat Yourself
While it’s essential to eat healthy foods, indulging in local delicacies is part of the travel experience. Instead of completely depriving yourself, practice moderation. Allow yourself to enjoy a local treat or meal at a local restaurant. Savor the flavors and balance things out with healthier choices during other meals.
You could consider splitting desserts or certain meals with someone else. This will still give you the chance to experience delicious treats, but in moderation.
When we are in Invermere, British Columbia, Canada our go–to bakery is The Invermere Bakery. The bakery has many gluten-free breads and treats. It’s pure heaven!
6. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate
Staying hydrated is crucial while traveling, as it helps avoid unnecessary snacking, regulate body temperature, aids digestion and keeps energy levels up.
In my family we each carry a reusable water bottle everywhere we go and refill it whenever possible. We also avoid sugary drinks and alcohol, as they can cause dehydration and lead to energy crashes.
One of my favourite drinks to buy before going on a hike is a green smoothie. It’s a refreshingly healthy choice and the combo of leafy greens and fruits also provides a burst of natural energy to help me power through the trail.
7. Exercise
Don’t forget the importance of regular physical activity while traveling. I know that this post should only be about healthy foods, but part of my enjoyment during a trip is being able to do some type of exercise. Whether it’s sightseeing on foot, hiking or swimming, staying active makes me feel good in my body and bonus is that it gives more energy during the trip.
I hope these tips and tricks have inspired you to embark on your next adventure armed with a newfound appreciation for nourishing your body while exploring the wonders of the world. Healthy eating doesn’t mean compromising on the joy of trying new dishes or treating yourself to a little indulgence now and then. It’s all about finding that perfect harmony between savoring the flavors and fueling the body for the adventures ahead.
What about YOU? What are your favourite ways to eat healthy when you travel? Please share them below so I add them to the list.
Keep exploring and stay nourished!